Thursday, 18 December 2014

What i have done in past 1 year for my PhD studying ??

The times flies too fast. Week by week past like a blink of an eyes..What i have done in these previous time? Does it adequate enough to graduate on time, within the time frame? There are a lot of obstacle facing by me in my PhD journey such as below:

1. Far from my supervisor ( i m living at the northern part of Malaysia,Perlis, while my sv at Northern part of Malaysia,Shah Alam), It would take 7 hours travel hours to meet with my sv.

2. I m a wife  and have one child. I have to take care of my husband, wait until my lovely daughter to fell asleep, then i can continue my work. But i have a whole day 8.00am till 5.00 to focus on my phd while my little daughter sent to the nursery.

3.Cost of travelling, collect data and meet an expert. I have to travel to KL, if i want to meet some expert in my courses.

4.Sometime, my daughter fell sick, fever, chicken pox, and many more, it would craving my time to be sacrifice...

5.My husband would sometime become one of the obstruction as well ,he would ask me to watch movie with him, everyday, so i had decided to move all my work station at another room. phewww..

But, overall. i think that i can manage well all those problem with strong determination that i will get my PhD no matter what happen.

Luckily, i have done this part :

1.Data collection have done.

2. Acquired a grants that will support my PhD.

3.Defense research proposal

4.Start doing the writing..writing and reading..

Hopefully god would ease my way, on getting my PhD on time :)

Tree tagging

With all the DR's 
Royal Belum Forest Reserve data collection

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