Sunday 3 August 2014

Tips on How to manage time- PhD

 1. Tools for planning

As a PhD research project requires 4 years of time to plan.So planning is most important.

- The general overview
 Google Calender document which I titled "Roadmap to thesis defense", marking in which week I should be working on which chapter.

- To Do lists
I keep different lists: a list with research ideas, a list with deadlines, and monthly and weekly to dos. All these are saved in Word documents. Every Friday, I plan out the next week (and month, when the time is there). That precise moment also serves as a moment to reflect on my progress and to ask myself why or why not I met my goals for this week; a method inspired by the monthly progress monitor.

- Daily appointments
Rather old-fashioned, but I keep my day-to-day appointments in a paper-and-pen type of planner. (It's bound in red leather with a pattern of roses on it, if that explains why I can't switch to a digital version). I write down my most important task(s) for the day, and have all my appointments written down and planned. Also, I write down my To Do list for the evening at the very bottom of the day page. 

2. Tools for tracking

In the first months of my research, I was surprised to discover how much time was slipping away and how little net worth can be left of the 40 hours I'm supposed to have allotted for research. Therefore, I started tracking, and I discovered that -in the days when I was working on my experiments- I would easily spend an hour to go help a hand in the lab, or to arrange things or move around objectives in my planning. Also, I started tracking how I spend my time on the computer, confirming that I was not spending my time optimally. The tools I use for this are ManicTime and RescueTime

3. Tools for reminding

This part still needs some improvement. I keep an overview of paper deadlines in a simple Word file, and I write these down in my paper planner. If I need to remind myself of something small, I just place a reminder in my phone. Even though I don't really need reminders (I typically remember things naturally), I do think that improving this part of my system would free some space in my head.

This i got from internet..from PhD talk, very useful for someone who really want to manage their time properly for PhD works.hopefully it will help.

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